shaRon sachse ePortfolio


Project Swanky+
YouTube - 2013 Hackathon Demo Nite (1:20:00 length)
Award video - 44 seconds

Client Google Venice, CA

Description LA Video Hachathon, Jan 2013 five(5) people who had never worked together before joined forces and in 30 hours created a winning app using the new Google TV and YouTube APIs. My responsibilities included branding, logo, marketing and interface design. We were awarded the "Best Use of Technology" award.

How many times did you watch Gangnam Style and think damm where can I get those killer glasses? with Team of 5's ingenious advertising scheme and SWANKY+, people will instantly know where they can purchase one, how much and purchase NOW!
Stay tuned for the release .......

ToolsPhotoshop, Illustrator, Android SDK, Java, Eclipse and Git

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